Efficiently Manage Keys
at Metro Stations

Effective key management is crucial for metro systems, where safety, security, and operational efficiency are paramount. Landwell key management solution helps metro operators streamline their operations while minimizing risks associated with key loss and unauthorized access.

Protect key security and improve operational efficiency

In the field of metro transportation, safety and efficiency are of paramount importance. Ensuring that access to vehicle keys, equipment and specific areas is always under control is the top priority of the security manager. Manual key management will undoubtedly consume a lot of time and resources, distracting from the core business. The loss or misuse of keys may cause great losses, expensive replacement costs, and affect the reputation of the company.

Landwell key control & management solutions are designed to better control access to critical keys and equipment, ensure employee accountability, and help your organization improve operations.

Example Uses

Using the Landwell intelligent locker systems, the metro station controls and manages handheld guard patrol devices, flashlights, and walkie-talkies, allowing only employees who are about to perform tasks to access them. The storage cabinet provides a charging port inside to ensure the device’s battery life and constant availability.

After a day of operation, the train will return to the parking inspection garage for inspection and maintenance to ensure smooth operation the next day. A large number of keys will be used during the inspection process, and using a key management system to store and control them will help with orderly, standardized, and efficient operations.

The Landwell key system can protect the main control room key, power key, equipment cabinet key, maintenance tool cabinet key, safety door key, and AFC ticket. It adopts centralized unified management and automatic electronic recording to improve operational efficiency

The tasks of entering and exiting the maintenance garage have strict time constraints and compliance requirements, ensuring that dispatched shunting drivers can always smoothly receive keys and perform tasks is the key to improving operational efficiency.

By utilizing the equipment of the top operation management cabinet, the access cards and physical keys of the three-layer platform are controlled to ensure the personal safety of the top operation personnel and prevent electric shock accidents. Only when the contact network is powered off or the grounding wire is connected, can the operation personnel be authorized to open the safety door and enter the top operation platform, and the operation duration is recorded.

Improve safety and efficiency

Benefits of Key Control Systems

Proper key control helps to protect these areas from unauthorized access, theft, and other security breaches.

Enhanced Security

An effective key control system ensures that only authorized personnel can access restricted areas, reducing the risk of security breaches. A key control system offers significant security benefits, particularly when it comes to emergency situations such as active shooter events. By utilizing a centralized key control system, metro managers can ensure that emergency keys are securely housed and readily accessible to local first responders.

Protecting Assets

A campus setting typically contains numerous assets, including buildings, equipment, and personal property. These assets are frequently high-value targets for theft, vandalism, or destruction. Proper key control systems can provide full control of keys and assets, ensures that only authorized personnel access these assets, reducing the risk of theft, damage, or destruction.

Liability Reduction

Campuses can be subject to significant legal liability for security breaches, including theft or personal injury. Campuses that employ effective key control methods can demonstrate that they have taken reasonable steps to protect students, faculty, and staff from harm.

Improve Efficiency

With a centralized key control system, maintenance staff can quickly obtain the keys they need to complete the required tasks without spending a lot of time searching for the right key. By providing a streamlined key acquisition process, maintenance teams can respond to maintenance requests in a timely manner while ensuring doors are locked and unlocked as needed, minimizing disruption to operations.

RFID Based

Key Lockable

Key Identification

Android Terminal

Facial Reader


Practical Features

Landwell solution enhances your solution with a suite of features that keep you in control, allowing you to improve business processes, make your business run more efficiently and save your time and money.

Access Schedules

Apply time restrictions to certain keys and users.

Real time key status

In the software you can see the instant status of any of your keys in real time, whether they are being used, and who holds them.

Multi-Factors Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a security method that requires users to provide at least two authentication factors to prove their identity and gain access to a key.

Multiple Authorization

For certain keys that are highly sensitive, compliance require signatures from two or three individuals, one each from separate departments.

Remote Control

It’s allowed to remove keys or return keys remotely by off-site administrator

Events & Explanations

For unplanned visits to some important keys, users should provide a detailed description, including the reason, purpose, or explanation for which the visit occurred.

See how Landwell
key control can help you take better control